Block Characteristics
Block Dimensions: 4’L x 1’H x 10”W
Vertical Core Dimensions: 6” diameter core every foot on center
Horizontal Core Dimensions: 6” diameter core every foot on center
Material: Lightweight Cellular Concrete (LCC)
Weight: 15 PCF
Flame spread and smoke development of 0
Concrete fill requirements: 1/3 cubic ft. of concrete per 1 square ft. of wall.
Designed to conform to International Residential Code
IRC Specifications
Screen-grid wall systems form design: Section R608.3.3; Table R608.3, Figure R608.3(3)
Concrete fill: Section R608.5.1, R608.5.2, R608.5.3, R608.5.4, R608.5.5, R608.5.6
Steel reinforcement: Section R608.5.2, R608.5.4; Table R608.5.4 (1), R608.5.4(2), R608.6(3), R608.6(4); Figure R608.5.4(1), R608.5.4(3)
Above grade requirements. General: Section R608.6; Table R608.6(3), R608.6(4); Figure R608.6(1), R608.6(2), R608.6(3), R608.6(4)
Lintels: Section R608.8; Table R608.8(1), R608.8(8) R608.8(10); Figure R608.8(1), R608.8(4)
Connections: Section R608.9; Table R608.9(1), R608.9(2), R608.9(3), R608.9(4), R608.9(5), R608.9(6), R608.9(7), R608.9(8), R608.9(9), R608.9(10), R608.9(11), R608.9(12); Figure R608.9(1), R608.9(2), R608.9(3), R608.9(4), R608.9(5), R608.9(6), R608.9(7), R608.9(8), R608.9(9), R608.9(10), R608.9(11), R608.9(12)
Foundation and Retaining Walls: Section R404.1; Table R404.1.2(1), R404.1.2(7), R404.1.2(9)
Testing and Calculations
(ASTM E84-04): Flame Spread Index: 0
(ASTM E84-04): Smoke Development Index: 0
(ASTM C518): R value test (See the Affordability Section)
NRC (Noise Reduction class) range: .5-1.0 under various frequencies.
-BSJ (Bureau of Standards Jamaica)
Building Systems Evaluation Report: available on request.
Test Reports:
E-Z Block ICF’s material is uniform lightweight Cellular Concrete:
Compressive Resistance @ yield or 10% deformation ≥ 15psi (ASTM D1621)
Flexural Strength ≥ 35psi (ASTM C203)
Water Vapor permeance ≤ 3.5 perm-in (ASTM E96)
Water Absorption ≤ 3% by Vol. (ASTM C272)
Dimensional Stability ≤ 2% change in dims. (ASTM D2126)
Oxygen Index ≥ 24.0 % by Vol. (ASTM D2863)
Density 15 PCF