Cost Estimator
Enter your projects total square footage and local concrete/rebar prices. E-Z Block base price is $5.00 sq. ft. Additional discounts may apply!
Total Square Feet of Wall Needed | |
Concrete Cost per Yard* | $ |
Rebar Cost per 20 Feet* | $ |
* Average Pricing. Check local concrete & rebar prices for more accurate estimate. |
E-Z Block
Square Foot Cost | Total Cost per Project | |
E-Z Block | $5.00 | $6,750.00 |
Concrete Cost | $1.41 | $4,222.22 |
#4 Rebar Cost Avg. | $0.33 | $1,000.00 |
Labor | $2.50 | $7,500.00 |
Subtotal | $6.49 | $19,472.22 |
Stucco (2 coats, no lath required) |
$2.27 | $6,270.00 |
Furring Strips | $0.25 | $750.00 |
Total | $9.01 | $26,492.22 |
2x4 Wood Framing
Square Foot Cost | Total Cost per Project | |
Framing | $3.09 | $7,710.00 |
Insulation | $0.66 | $1,950.00 |
Vapor Barrier | $0.17 | $1,050.00 |
Stucco (3 coats, with lath) |
$5.81 | $16,1100.00 |
Total | $9.73 | $26,820.00 |
Price estimates taken from RSMeans, a leader in cost estimating. The estimates are based on the national average. |
// Cost Estimator $('#concrete,#rebar,#square-feet,#running-feet').keyup(function () { var inputs = {}; var ezblock = {}; var traditional = {}; $('table#cost-estimator-input tbody tr td').each(function () { inputs[] = parseInt(parseFloat(this.value.replace(/[^\d.]/g, '')) * 100); }); $('table#cost-estimator-input tbody tr td input.number').each(function () { inputs[] = parseFloat(this.value.replace(/[^\d.]/g, '')); }); $('.ezblock-report table tbody tr td span.square-foot').each(function () { ezblock[$(this).parents('tr').attr('class')] = parseInt(parseFloat($(this).text() * 100)); }); $('.traditional-report table tbody tr td span.square-foot').each(function () { traditional[$(this).parents('tr').attr('class')] = parseInt(parseFloat($(this).text() * 100)); }); ezblock.concrete = inputs['concrete'] / 27 * 0.4; ezblock.rebar = inputs['rebar'] / 18; ezblock.subtotal = ezblock.ezblock + ezblock.concrete + ezblock.rebar + ezblock.labor; = ezblock.subtotal + ezblock.stucco + ezblock['furring-strips']; $.each(['concrete', 'rebar', 'subtotal', 'total'], function (i, f) { $(".ezblock-report ."+f+" .square-foot").html(number_in_cents_to_dollars(ezblock[f])); }); $.each(['ezblock', 'concrete', 'rebar', 'labor', 'subtotal', 'stucco', 'furring-strips', 'total'], function (i, f) { $(".ezblock-report ."+f+" .project").html(number_in_cents_to_dollars(ezblock[f] * inputs['square-feet'])); }); $.each(['framing', 'insulation', 'vapor-barrier', 'stucco', 'total'], function (i, f) { $(".traditional-report ."+f+" .project").html(number_in_cents_to_dollars(traditional[f] * inputs['square-feet'])); }); $('#ezblock-total').html(number_in_cents_to_dollars(ezblock['total'] * inputs['square-feet'])); $('#wood-framing-total').html(number_in_cents_to_dollars(traditional['total'] * inputs['square-feet'])); }).trigger('keyup'); }); function number_in_cents_to_dollars(num) { var parts = (num / 100).toFixed(2).toString().split('.'); var re = new RegExp("(^\\d{" + (parts[0].length % 3 || -1) + "})(?=\\d{3})") parts[0] = parts[0].replace(re, "$1,").replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1,") return parts.join('.'); }